ANDRILL-BRASIL is a new initiative to create a Brazilian network with the goal to increase future involvement of Brazilian Universities and Research Institutions in the ANDRILL [ANtarctic geological DRILLing].
Program ANDRILL-BRASIL will provide the venue for Brazilian scientists to: (1) participate in forthcoming projects and develop proposals with key scientific questions in other Antarctic margins, with strong Brazilian leadership and/or logistical support, and (2) help the international ANDRILL community prioritize future drill sites with the aim of better constraining the past and future dynamic behavior of the Antarctic ice sheets.

ANDRILL-BRASIL international partners are Italy, Germany and United Kingdom, United States, New Zealand, South Korea and Japan. Visit, which provides more information about science, technology, media, news, publications and educations regarding the ANDRILL program.

The next phase of ANDRILL drilling is developing in the Coulman High region to the east of Ross Island, on the Ross Ice Shelf. Submit your CALL FOR INTEREST now!